Have you been thinking about biodynamic products and how to fully incorporate them into your lifestyle but not sure if you’re ready to take the plunge?
Going fully or even partially biodynamic is a commitment, but it’s a commitment to a better life for you, your family, and the environment. You’ll be amazed at how confident you are in the safety of your purchases for you and your family. Not to mention, each biodynamic purchase you make signals to the market your support for this type of lifestyle, and it helps local farmers.
To help you decide if you’re ready for a biodynamic lifestyle or not, take our quiz below!
Are You Ready to Go Biodynamic?
1. Is ensuring your family gets the best quality nutrition they can a top priority for you?
2. Are you willing to pay 10-45% more on produce and other biodynamic products?
3. If you have children, do you actively seek out biodynamic products like non-GMO baby food, all natural bath products, and pasture-raised animal products?
4. Are you doing other environmentally-friendly activities around your house like using lo-flow shower heads, using LED lightbulbs, recycling or composting?
5. Do you care about the future of the environment for your children?
6. Will you eat produce even if it has a few blemishes?
7. If your local grocer doesn’t carry organic or biodynamic foods, are you willing to go elsewhere to find them?
8. If you can’t find biodynamic products in your area, do you know where to find them online?
9. Do you believe buying from local biodynamic and organic farmers helps boost the economy?
10. If you consume meat or other animal products, do you care about the quality of life the animals had/have?
Your Results
If you answered “Yes” to 7 or more of these questions, you’re definitely ready to fully incorporate biodynamic products into your life. Below you’ll find a guide to help make your transition into the biodynamic world.
Your Biodynamic Transition Guide
Make a List of Biodynamic Must-Haves
As with any lifestyle change, it’s never wise to jump into the deep end right off the bat. When you first begin on your journey towards a biodynamic lifestyle, start by making a list of a few items on which you will be uncompromising; these items need to be biodynamic or you won’t have them at all. We do suggest starting off with items that are easy for you to get your hands on.
This list will depend on what biodynamic products are available in your area as well as topics you care about. For example, some people care about animal welfare and, if they want to continue to consume animal products, will say free-range and pasture-fed animal products will be on their “uncompromised” list. If you have children, your focus might be on switching out your current products for items like biodynamic veggies and non-GMO baby food.
Get to Know Your Local Farmers
You can do this literally or figuratively. If you have access to a local farmer’s market, we highly recommend you make yourself a regular and get to know the farmers who set up stalls there. Having personal relationships with the people you are buying from not only adds an extra feeling of community to your purchase, but also makes it easier to discuss how the farmer’s crops were grown, how their animals are treated, and what their overall approach to farming is.
If you don’t have access to a local farmer’s market or don’t have the time to go, take some time to scope out the different farms listed as suppliers in your store’s produce section. Write down a few of their names and do some research on their farms at home. If they are biodynamic or organic farmers, they should have that information listed online. You can also do this for any packaged biodynamic foods you’re considering.
Research Other Outlets for Biodynamic Foods
Unfortunately, not every community will have great access to biodynamic foods. If this is the case for your region, start doing some research on places where you can buy biodynamic and organic foods online. Demeter has a resource on their website where you can search for biodynamic farms nearby. You can even search for websites that sell biodynamic products.
You can also find a number of biodynamic dried and canned goods on Amazon and not to mention White Leaf Provision’s online shop.
Another way to find biodynamic products online is to search through online forums about biodynamic foods. Participating in those communities can help you uncover tons of products that meet your new biodynamic lifestyle.
What Are You Waiting For?
There’s nothing to hold you back from your journey into biodynamic products. As you learn more about these products and their benefits to you and your family, you’ll become more comfortable discussing biodynamics and adding new products into your life.
If you have any questions about making biodynamic foods a part of your life, please send them to us here!